Chaos And War


The world…the world is ending and you can’t convenience me otherwise.

My heart is shattered hearing what is happening in Ukraine before this I have been following very loosely what was happening since 2014 but I never thought it would go as far as a war.

I’m terrified that this is just the beginning of something far worse that will destroy the life I and many of us know. And the most terrifying thing I have come to realize is how normal I think it is and how numb I became after the shock faded away. Since the pandemic started and the rest of the chaos that followed I’m so tired of historic events happening every six minutes!

In 2014 I dreaded thinking of the possibility of a war…although I have been thinking about it many times during the day…now…there’s not a day where I haven’t thought about the horrors that are happening now in Ukraine.

I live far away from Ukraine and I’m safe but seeing how quickly this country’s safety was taken away from millions of families and people it’s unsettling. I spent days looking around my room and house mentally trying to pack my entire life…and I got so anxious by just the thought of it! Imagine having to actually execute this entire action?!

Furthermore, I can’t go on TikTok and dissociate from reality because the only way for me to get updates on the situation in Ukraine is through TikTok causing my entire fyp to be full of videos with this situation…so I can’t not go on it to run away from reality because reality gets thrown in my face. This is the least of my problems because everything had gone up prices-wise and jobs are scares…

Since 2021 and 2022 started I have been more actively searching for remote and local jobs and haunting for a residency but so far they are very little improvement. I really have no optimistic idea how things will turn out.

As much as I don’t like to admit it, I’m not built to survive a world war or any war! I have no survival skills! Hell, I have no skills period! The only thing I can do is write…yep that’s it…maybe throw a punch? No…not even that….

Watching everything that is happening in Ukraine and Russia I can’t help but feel sad and angry! Because the Ukrainians don’t deserve this and at the same time the Russian people, those who are against this war, don’t deserve these sanctions Europe and the entire world have imposed on Russia. Putin and those who support him and the war do deserve the sanctions and even to get trialed for crimes against humanity to the highest court of justice! These soldiers who support this war give a bad rep to those who were forced to get drafted/enlisted and sent under false info from the higher-ups!

Also, these people are monsters, because they aren’t soldiers or humans when they agree to fight and shoot at innocents, invade a country that doesn’t deserve this, and don’t obey the laws of war that were signed in 1948! Back to the point, these monsters also make it more difficult to believe soldiers who ACTUALLY surrender their weapons because they actually don’t want to fight this war…

I really hope this ends soon because we are nearing four months of this…I can’t understand why not so many countries have moved army-wise to help Ukraine and stop Putin from doing this and only send “prayers”… I’m thankful that countries sent food and medical aid but if those things can’t actually reach them because the Russian army is stoping it…what’s the point…how can they help them?

I wish I wasn’t so helpless….

I’m Tired

Things are getting deep and negative, be aware of that fact!

Not that anyone reads this blog…

I’m so tired waking up every day and my first thought to be that i’m tired and that i want everyone and everything to fade away.

I’m tired of watching the disappointed looks on my parents and aunt’s faces.

I’m tired of hearing my sister’s mocking remarks.

I’m tired of hearing my mum’s disappointed remarks.

I’m tired of hearing that i do nothing in the house.

I’m tired of knowing that my best attempts are not enough.

I’m not enough.

My mum a month or so ago told me that i’m projecting things. Meaning that i see a situation and my mind instantly tries to find a situation in my life and mirror it to the said situation. Thus my feelings regarded that situation are not real or aren’t correct.

Emotions aren’t correct.

Bitch what the fuck?

Now this morning i hadn’t had more than 30 minutes i woke up and i was trying…key word trying…to have some sort of breakfast…my mother decided it was a great time to talk to me about how i have two sides to myself…

The one side that i’m passionate for things i like and i’m capable to pay attention to the last detail yet those things i’m passionate about aren’t important thus my excitement is wrongfully invested in those activities.

And the other side that when it comes to do things that are important to everyday life i’m a lazy ass. I don’t pay attention to the detail and if i don’t die from the dirt around me i won’t clean or do the dishes.

So in other words she told me once again i do nothing around the house.

But because i’m tired of doing what i always thought to be a safest and quickest route out of these conversations, which is keep my mouth shut, nod, agree, apologize and promise to try my absolute best next time, instead i yelled at her and my sister who she was sitting with us and agreed.

I told them that i can’t sleep at night and i have to pace back forth in the room which isn’t my own because in their house i have no room or bed to call my own…not that i do anywhere really…and i end up always exhausting myself around 4 or 5 am which make me wake up at 12:50 pm after not so restful 8 hours sleep.

They nodded and said that they understand but that is no excuse!




Then the have the audacity to say that i don’t do nothing in the house and i’m always with a frown in my face and a bored expression.

They expect me to be cheery (Hollywood style) in the morning!

How the fuck would i do that when at night i have to fight my anxiety for what i did wrong the day that past and what mistakes i would possible do the next day! And the voice in my head that tells me i’m a nothing and that i should kill myself?

That i don’t see anything past my phone/computer….i notice pretty much everything but i’m so tired to do anything about it and if i do they are going to say how my way of dealing with it is wrong so in order save their time from yelling at me, i let them do it themselves (as if) the way they want to be done. Problem solved.

I’m tired of knowing that i would forever be the girl who trusted her ex best friend yet she used her kind nature and manipulated her by playing with her trust and then once i wasn’t in the same town she started withdrawing from me and not calling me back.

And now she starts talking to me again because she fought with her “true” best friends and she has no one and she feels alone. I’m like a fucking back up friend! AND STILL I SPOKE TO HER KINDLY AND I’M POLITE TOWARDS HER.

Because i believe that being kind i’m being the bigger person.

Of course i always thought that she was a smart girl but after i read her answer when i asked her flat out why she never picked the goddamn phone to call me i started questioning my belief.

Her answer was that because she was young she didn’t know where her head was at.

After i read that answer i knew two things; 1 her mental maturity is really really low and 2 she was lying to me and the true answer was that she started feeling that our friendship was done.

How can you be “young” and “not knowing where your head is at” when you are sixteen? At sixteen i could easily sustaine myself without my parents!

It angers me sometimes when she uses excuses her age! I would prefer if she had told me something along the lines of;

“Look, Vicky, i was bored to call you because you had nothing interesting to say and in all honesty our similarities ended when you moved away.”

That would have been the answer i would be like;

“Okay. Thanks for not leaving me alone during school days. It was nice knowing ya, i hope you have a great life. Bye.”

Instead she used that lame excuse thinking i’m so naive that i would think it was true!

I’m so tired of when i think i can trust my parents because they say they heard me and understand me the next day or even hour i’m proven wrong…that i can’t trust them or they don’t understand me.

I feel like i’ve been tricked. Manipulated.

And once i digest the fact that i might have been manipulated by both my parents, my aunt, my sister and my ex best friend i start questioning… Am i really smart? A smart person wouldn’t stay and get manipulated by these people, right?

I’m tired of dragging this baggage of being a disappointment.

I sometimes think that my sister is their dream child and i was just the prototype that went through test run and it broke….

The truth is that

I’m weak

I’m naive

I’m not smart otherwise i would have found a way out

I will never be enough for anyone.

And at last knowing all my flaws, being aware of them, i think that i will never be in an emotional position to allow anyone to love me, be a potential love interest, because i won’t be able to see past my flaws and accept theirs…

I used to say to myself that i will work on my issues and fix them AND THEN focus on relationships but i’m deep into my 19 years of life and everyone around me have already fallen in love, had their first time sex and even some got married and now have their first child!

And i’m here in front of the computer typing this blog post….

I’m so tired of being reminder all these facts by just looking at the mirror or my family’s faces.

If anyone read this; thank you and i hope i didn’t bring your mentality down. 


Because I’m Silent Doesn’t Mean That I Don’t Know Or That I’m Dumb!

Because I’m silent doesn’t mean that i don’t know or that i’m dumb because i can’t put to words my thoughts…

Recently I discovered that (see the blog post; Languages and Speaking) that I know a lot of stuff that i would love to debate on….in English than in Greek. I can debate on various of topics in English but i can’t form a good sentence in a debate in Greek because in my head my own thoughts are podcast in English most of the time…99,9% of the time.

Why, is this happening to me? I’m supposed to be Greek then why can’t i speak it correctly?

It wasn’t always like this though…

I don’t know, i can’t pin point the fault…

And to add salt to the wound my family shuts me out of conversations because of it…

And all that behavior results in me not talking to people around me….

Don’t Censor Your Child…Listen To Them, Don’t Interrupt Them!

A few days ago i was thinking of what to write next and i checked a draft that was showing in my computer that is still undone, so i checked it and i found this. And i believe that this blog is equally important.

So, enjoy!

In my family we have this bad habit of interrupting one another while we talk or while someone is talking instead of focusing entirely to them and listening what they are saying we do other things.

When i was younger it didn’t bother me much because i didn’t know there were other people who actually listened to what you were saying until i attended a family reunion with my maternal side of the family and i reunited with a male cousin of mine, he was a Senior in High School while i was Junior and he seemed happy to see us after having eight years to see us. He was so excited to learn our news that he sat in the “kids” table with us and started asking each of his cousins (we were eleven kids and we were all second degree cousins to each other) and i saw him how intensively was looking to the person that was talking and how later he asked questions about the topic they were discussing!

I was amazed! It was the first time i saw someone actually listening to someone!

I was raised in such household that in order to have the attention on you either you have to be dying or be something super serious or you’ve done something bad and you get punished for it. I was child and i wanted attention so i started lying to my parents to see if i could get their attention but it never worked to the point i was tired of lying and the whole lying it didn’t come naturally to me…i felt bad after every lie and didn’t like it.

So, i stopped and that was the moment that i started to realize what was going on and get bothered by it! I mean i was talking to my mum about a boy who was bullying me at school and had me so terrified that i stayed silent for FIVE YEARS and allowed him to beat me and ridicule me and at the moment TWO YEARS LATER i was finally coming clean to her and she was TYPING ON FACEBOOK!

I hadn’t told her about that boy or the kids in school because i knew she wouldn’t listen…and i was right…her attention snapped at me when i told her that the boy had tried to choke me and then started kicking me like a freaking ball…then i knew if i was in a deadly situation i would never have my mum’s or dad’s attention and that i should start protecting and helping myself find solutions in situations…

So, let’s get back to the male cousin of mine, when my turn came and he asked me what i was up to those eight years i felt this…anxiety and fear because i knew his attention would be on me and only me and he would hear every word i’d say…and i wasn’t proud of being a victim of bullying or abuse at home and i knew for a fact if i told him…if i spoke out loud about what was going on at home he would try to do something…i mean his own aunt and uncle were abusing their chidren…so i felt this need to run and not have his attention on me. He understood that and ask if i would like to go walk around while we talked and i agreed…i told him everything what has been going on in school but not at home.

He had asked me what my parents did…and i had said that they only acted when i the kids at school pulled my pants down but i was already a victim for three years and i was used to it and after they acted things became even more dangerous… i had to defend myself many time with physical violence and not just words…

And by doing that i felt like a monster…i felt that i was becoming them.

My male cousin listened and he was horrified and i could sense that because when we got back he kept his distance from me…imagine if he knew what my parents did to me and my sister…

But that night i understood the importance of listening someone’s pain…and i wanted that… i needed someone to listen not necessarily help me since i was so used to helping myself.

As i grew up the abuse in the house and school stopped and things became calm but still my parents won’t listen to me or my sister because we ramble and speak too fast.


A few months ago i was talking to my aunt and mum ( i visit my family for the weekend) about our crazy dreams.

And my dreams are big and complicated since forever and i don’t know why.

But while i was talking i notice something that they always do when i’m talking. At some point my aunt stop paying attention to me and interacting with me about the topic we were talking about while my mum never really paid any attention in the first place since she was in her laptop playing the DJ and typing away on Facebook. Surprise there! NOT!

My aunt had already started smoking her one of her cigarettes, drinking coffee while texting on her phone WHILE I WAS TALKING.



It’s not the first time i witness something like this or it’s just only when i talk they do the same thing to my sister too! It’s annoying and frustrating!

That brought something in my mind;

I don’t want to be that mum with my children.

So, all parents out there as a former child i’m saying listen to your children! They might be trying to say something important and difficult to be told out loud to you. I know it’s tiring to do that all the time but you are teaching them how to be good listeners by setting an example!

And don’t forget that you are humans too so when you are tired tell them. Let them finish what they are talking to you about and then say to them politely that you are tired. Then give them a temporary solution and promise them once you get some rest you are going to discuss it at length and keep that promise! That way they are going to understand that they are important and that they will get time to talk to you one on one and that is all they really want.

Don’t do what you wouldn’t like to be done to you!

So? Do you agree with my opinion? Have you encountered similar behaviour in your family? Do I ask for much? Tell me in your comments!

Also don’t forget to check out my other blog posts! 

Have a nice day!

When I Started Thinking About Death

Recently i have come to accept that i have suicidal thoughts more than tendencies.

But when all these thoughts come from?

The question above i have recently been asking myself a lot. It’s known i have been suffering from depression since i was 8, at least that is how far i can remember having the same feeling of nothingness. Keep in mind that depression occurs differently to every person.

But when did i first thought of death?

I firstly thought of death around the age of nine i was laying in my bed on my birthday and i had recently learnt that i was born dead and my sister’s godmother who was in the OR refused to let the surgeons to announce my death and she performed CPR which failed three times and still refused to give up. She grabbed me by the legs and turned me upside down and started hitting (softly) my chest and that’s how she brought me back.

I was told i was dead for twenty minutes after they took me out of my mum’s womb, i was choked to death by the umbilical cord and i was born pre-maturely.

So as my nine-year old self sat in her bed at night and tried to digest this new information the thought occurred;

What if i hadn’t come back?

And from then on i started fantasising how my family, friends, classmates and acquaintances would react to my death and with those thoughts and scenarios i went to sleep that time and many nights after that.

These thoughts started coming into my head throughout my daily routine; while crossing the road i would think how it would feel if a car or bus run me over.

If my books fall onto the road i would think what if now i was run over would anyone care?

These thoughts stopped after i turned thirteen and i seeked psychological counciling in secret.

But they returned at fifteen when i had moved cities yet again and i was trying to adjust and i was so jealous of the people in my life had managed to turn a new leaf and find their place while i was still feeling so out of place and alone. And because my then best friend seemed to distancing herself from me because of the actual distance and because i had attempted to talk to her about my abusive and depressed past and she didn’t believe me and even asked if i did something to deserved it. So, i had started witholding my actual feelings, opinions and i was always answering her with what i knew she expected of me to say.

And especially that day was Christmas night and i had gone out to the balcony and looked the festive balconies of my neighborhood and thought;

“Would anyone care if i shot myself? Of course not, no one cares.”

Then a week later on New Year’s Eve my depression was suffocating me and i couldn’t be around other people so i locked myself in my room. Mum didn’t like that so she forcefully dragged me to the living room where all our family was gathered yet i stood up and left again.

And then my mum walked angrily in my room and started scolding me about how disrespectiful i was to all of them and she threatened me that she will go back to beating us like she did when were kids because we started to disobey her and dad. Then she proceed to tell me how disappointed she was in me and how i’m a nothing, i do nothing around the house, i’m a burden and that because of my attitude i deserved every bullying, beating, abuse, isolation and loneliness i suffered all these years and will in the future.

Then she proceeded to leave me in my room and i sat in the room all alone while i heard them count down to the new year and laugh happily. I cried that moment and as i cried i walked out in the balcony and raised my left leg and crossed it over the railings and attempted to raise my right one but my sister walked outside and told me that mum was calling me and that i should joined them. She unknowingly stopped me from jumping from the 3rd floor, from killing myself.

These few moments i was ready to give up i was convinced that i deserved the worst the world had to offer and that indeed i’m a nothing and my existence only makes matter worse and i’m just obstacle that stands in the way of my family’s and then best friend’s happiness. That i hold them all back from thriving.

The feeling of not fitting in fifteen years now was too much to keep in. I convinced i didn’t belong amongst the living and i justified all these thoughts with the fact that i was already born dead and my sister’s godmother just got in the way of God’s plan for me which was not live.

So i remembered that New Year i did my best acting! I laughed and talked to my grandma and aunt like a few hours prior to that i didn’t try to kill myself.

I even allowed my dad and mum hug me and say in front of everyone how blessed they were to have us as their children and how proud they were of me and my sister, i swallowed all this anger, disgust and clawing need to run away from my parents’ hugs because i didn’t like them touching me. I hated them!

After that night i realized something…i didn’t love my parents…like actually love them…i only loved them because they were part of my DNA and blood. If it came to a situation where i would have to leave them and run for my own life i would or if i had to kill them to ensure my freedom i would…those realization made me feel scared and like i was a bad person.

I tried to find what causes this feelings and thoughts and even tried to mend myself and my bond between my family. I opened up to them about my depression and mum seemed to soften a bit and dad seemed to become more affectionate.

I started doing my at most best to be their perfect daughter.

To the point i yet again i stopped listening to my own self….

I would act like a soldier…mum said go grocery shopping i would do it no matter if i was sick with a fever or my knees were hurting.

Dad said he needed help with something i would be there no matter if i didn’t even cared about what he did.

I started hurting mysef…you see i had acne since forever and i would turn it into scars with my own hands as a way to cause pain to myself so i can still feel something…i had reached the point of numbness and that is why i did it in the first place.

But during my soldier/perfect daughter days i would turn my acne into scars whenever i would find myself say in her head “no” to my parents’ demands and needs in order to punish me.

I thought that is what they wanted me to be and they seemed satisfied and happy so i continued it.

Then i graduated High School and i joined a Youth Exchange program in order to challenge myself gain new experiences. That is where i felt the same feeling of not belonging anywhere. These people were outgoing, happy or they pretended to be, knew each other from previous exchanges and their English were poor in comparison with mine. I found myself engaging into conversation and correcting them many times. After awhile (understandable) people started to be offended by my grammar nazi behavior and they stopped talking to me. Also i run out of things to talk to them about…i wanted to talk to them about my life yet at the same time i was afraid that they will run away from me. So when i saw them making groups with all the others and i was always on the outside i understood that they didn’t want me or cared.

I would stay alone in my dorm room while they were out having fun, i would laugh watching Girl Meets World in order to chase my depressive thoughts away. I would write stories. And pretend i was having a concert while having my headphones on. I even attempt to dance in the small room.

One day i decided to see what will happen if i go out with them…well i did order a drink even though i don’t like alcohol because it makes me feel even more sad. I drank it while i listened the conversations around me and i tried to speak as little as possible to the point one of the girls in the French group looked at me and asked me why i was here since i didn’t engage.

I smiled and lied that my belly hurt from the alcohol and that i was not used to drinking which is a lie (at fourteen i would for a year i would drink more than 4 beers, two glasses of Vodka with Lemon and two shots of whatever they would give us then i would find myself sitting alone in bar and think depressive thoughts and death but i would not get drunk) at that moment though i needed to find an excuse and the stomach ache seemed legit. She laughed at how innocent i was and gave me the advice to order something to eat…so i got up and went to a fast food joint and got a pizza slice and started eating all by myself.

After i was done i realized that many people in the fast food joint looked at me in pity because i was eating alone and reading my book but didn’t care i returned to the bar where we were before i left and i sat in my seat just then one of the guys tried to start a conversation with me which didn’t last long. I then order a second glass of Vodka with lemon and this French girl looked at me suspiciously as i was being crazy for doing that. And to be honest their Vodka wasn’t even that strong as the one my uncle serves in his bar where mostly i hanged out at fourteen and i was so used to drinking.

After awhile i had started feeling a little sleepy and A LOT board since i didn’t speak at all and i was always on my phone chatting with my two friends Olivia, who was in Taiwan and was packing boxes since her family was moving to Texas, and Tina, whose mum had just gone through some major surgery and her dad had slipped up and started drinking again because he believed that his wife would die and he became abusive towards Tina and her siblings, so i was checking in with them and trying to make them feel better.

But after three hours of texting my phone died so i was left with my book but i didn’t want it to stained it with alcohol so i didn’t pull it out.

Soon enough after that we decided to head back to the dorms but on the way there i attempted to start a conversation with my group leader and this French girl but soon enough both of them said;

“Stop! We get you know English better than us! It’s annoying to correct us all the time!”

So i did what i do best…obeyed.

I stopped talking.

At night i was laying in my bed holding on to my bleeding arm since before we left i had done some tests for my knee and thyroid and they had taken blood from me but i hadn’t let the wound to heal for days and that night i had scratched more than before and i couldn’t stop the blood flow since it was on top of a vein and so i found myself looking at the ceiling while feeling the pain of my wound and holding a tissue over it.

That moment i closed my eyes and imagined what would possible happen if i bled out and died right there. How will my death would be received by the rest people in the Youth Exchange program and how will my body be transported back to Greece. How my parents would react. What is after death? Will i get to be reborn and if yes into what?

That was the first time i actually caught myself thinking of death and had no will to stop me….

I woke up the next morning and my bed sheets were full of blood from my arm, my roommate just thought i had my period, i spent the next day alone. Eating alone, spending the breaks from the activities alone in my room. I felt tired. So tired!

I had taken this trip to challenge myself to be happier and social yet my depression got the best of me…

When i returned back home i started college and along with my anxiety to be always on time, learn a new city, learn to live alone, manage my allowance, household chores and medication for my knees made me feel even more tired and not in the mood to make friends in the college campus since i knew for a fact none of my fellow classmates had the same interests as me.

Tell me who likes to debate about historical events, probable life in other planets, probable existence of parallel universes, how our future will look like technology wise and how the earth’s tectonic plates will change in the future and what species would die or be created? Debate ways we could replace fossil fuels or what country might be created in the future? Or we could discuss/debate about how mental health could be treated and about how we could stop being racists towards other religions and nations?

No one that is who! Especially in English since i can’t translate as efficiently the facts and theories i have learnt and come up with from Enlgish to Greek. Even my own family has told me that sometimes i ask questions normal people don’t think about! And that i should stop thinking those questions since normal people don’t talk about such matters as parallel universes or the existence of alien life or future technologies.

I had a whole debate with my dad once about hydrogen power could have potentially help launch rockets into space without burning everything around it like it does right now and that would benefit the enviroment more or how we could be possible to get water across the galaxy with the use of rockets that would be control from down earth through GPS system in order to supple colonies or even as a form of merchandise in a Galactic Market. Needless to say my dad later told me that my theories and questions were very good and that studying filmmaking is a waste of time which i’m starting to see it too…yet he expressed his disappointment about how i flanked math, physics and chemistry at school.

That made me feel even more alone and the fact i end up eating by myself during breaks…

Recently, like a few months ago, i realized that every day my last thought before i fall asleep is;

“I wish i wake up dead.”

or on better days;

“I wish i wake up in a parallel world where my life is better.”

Then i witnessed how two of my professors are dismissing many of my questions as questions a child does because i’m the youngest in there…in a class were ages rank from 18 to 34 years old…

That and my lonely life makes me think more and more of death…how i feel trapped in my own life and that i will never find people who like to discuss the same things as me.

That i will never find my place in this world and i’ll be doomed to live alone.

And every dream i have of finding a boyfriend, a husband, having kids and raising them feels so so so far away that i’m always tempted that i will never reach and that i should stop hoping they will be my future.

Because if you ask me where i see myself in the future or in ten years the first answer that comes to mind is;


I can’t imagine my future…i can imagine the future of entire human kind yet i don’t see mine…




What I Want

I want someone who sees past my strong facade….

I’m so tired of silently suffering on my own….

My family i would like to believe they are aware of my mental health issues yet they seem ignorant and believe that i can deal with them on my own. At least that is what their behavior shows.

As for my friends….that is…well shit…

1st group didn’t make it clear if they were aware of my depression or not even though i did say it many times casually in conversations but we have lost touch.

2nd group they were indeed that i had a problem but recently she started questioning if i really do have depression or not…since i haven’t been diagnosed from a doctor because i didn’t go to one. But i think wanting to kill yourself and constantly feeling numb counts as a version of depression, right? That is what my research has led me to believe thus far.

Plus i don’t have the economical ability to afford a doctor for something like that…

3rd person seems that they don’t care enough to keep it in mind and i have to remind them every time which i don’t like and once i do they are like “Oh! Okay, sorry to hear that, Vic.” what am i supposed to do with it?

4th person thinks i’m being sarcastic and we have to talk and get together about a month now.

5th  person…understands and it’s the only person that when i was ready to give up reminded me that they were there for me…which sucks since she lives in Africa and i in Greece…

As for my recently got back into contact ex best friend she had no idea of my mental health struggles since i pushed her away once i realized my demons were ready to choke me… there’s bigger story here…but now that i told her one of the many reasons i behaved like i did she just said “If i knew i would have helped you, we’ll talk more once we are face to face” and that was two months ago…

I want someone who is physically in the same town/city and we get to actually have intellectual conversations and trust each other…

But for now i am on my own and i’m slowly getting tired of holding on…close to giving up…

But do i ask for much? Am i being selfish?

Whatever Happens At Home. Stays At Home.

Let’s face it! In my family my paternal aunt has schizophrenia, my dad was neglected as a child because of it.

My mum grew up in a super controlling parents and now she was suffering from clinical depression because of some autoimmune disease.

My maternal aunt suffered from depression.

I grew up with my mum telling me;

“We don’t talk to other people about what is going on inside the home. Inside the family”


I grew up feeling guilty for telling my teacher that my mum was pregnant with my sister and she needed a higher chair.

I felt guilty because i told my then best friend that my paternal aunt has schizophrenia and that she was crazy and made my dad angry every day she called and talked to him.

As i grew up i started thinking;

If i can’t talk to anyone about what is going on inside my life. Inside my home.

What am i supposed to talk about?

With who am i supposed to talk to who are inside the home?

Can i trust them to give me a clear advice without feelings attached?

Until a old lady outside my primary school because she was lonely she called me to sit down and talk about my day because i was sad and lonely. I agreed and the following days i did. I told her EVERYTHING about my life.

Somehow my mum’s friend knew that old lade and that old lady told her and my mum’s friend told my mum.

My mum was furious!

“Why did you tell her about what is going on in here?”

“How many times have i told you not to tell anyone?”

What was going on inside the home?

Too many things.

Things that myself even today i second guess that it wasn’t my fault.

And that is a story for another time.

Now tell me if you’re a parent;

Do you tell your children not to speak to their friends about what is going on inside the home?

Or you don’t have a problem with it?

Did you find my mum’s request not to say about what is going on inside the home to others correct or wrong?

Tell me in your comments!




Merry Christmas Everyone!

This year has been a crazy one and full of death, happiness and changes! I, personally, lost every familiar thing i had in my every day life.

I moved houses.

My grandma and grand-aunt died.

I graduated High School.

I started college

I moved to another city and live alone.

I went on my first trip abroad by myself aka without a family member just a Youth Exchange Group!

It was a crazy year! And don’t let me started on a worldwide or national scale how much 2017 was big ball of bad stuff happening!

But in the end it leaves a bittersweet taste!

So as we hope that 2018 will be a little bit better if not entirely better!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!